영어운동[English Exercises]

[영어운동] Mon,Jan,2, 2023

탁월한실력과 깊이있는 영감 2023. 1. 2. 08:50

1. Day & Date

Q: 오늘 무슨 요일이지?

     What day is it today?

A:  It's Monday.


Q: 오늘 며칠이지?

      What's the date?

A:   It's January 1st.


2. Weather

Q: 오늘 날씨가 어떻지?

      How's the weather today?


A: 괞찮아 보이네/끔찍해 보이네.

     It looks pretty nice/ It looks really nasty

 *nasty: 끔찍한 / OK:괜찮은


(일기예보를 확인하며) 

It says it's going to be warmer(colder) than yesterday.

(*앱을 보고: it says / 뉴스에서 보고: they say)


오후에 비가/눈이 올 거라네.

It says     it's going to rain/snow in the afternoon.

They say 


온도는 어제랑 거의 비슷하겠는데 

It looks like it's going to be about the same as yesterday temperature-wise.


어제랑 거의 비슷하겠는데.   

It looks like it's going to be about the same as yesterday.


너무 춥지(덥지) 않았으면 좋겠다.

I hope it's not too cold/hot.


너무 추워지지(더워지지) 않았으면 좋겠다.

I hope it doesn't get too cold/hot


비가 너무 많이 오지 않았으면 좋겠다.

I hope it doesn't rain too much.


눈이 너무 많이 오지 않았으면 좋겠다.

I hope it doesn't snow too much