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How To Implement API Gateway Spring Boot In Microservices https://javatechonline.com/implement-api-gateway-spring-boot-microservices/ https://javatechonline.com/implement-api-gateway-spring-boot-microservices/Last Updated on November 28th, 2024 Microservices architecture offers us to deploy multiple services in different servers(hosts) in a private network. When a client request comes to microservices, it should get authenticated before the processing ..
Oracle scott 계정 생성 -- 모든 유저, 데이터 베이스, 테이블 확인 -- https://blog.naver.com/chin1001/60177951428-- 모든 유저 정보 조회 SELECT * FROM all_users ; SELECT * FROM dba_users ; -- db이름 확인 SELECT NAME FROM V$DATABASE; --DB에 있는 DB user 확인 SELECT * FROM dba_users ; -- DB가 정상적으로 open이 되어져 있는 지 확인 SELECT * FROM v$instance; --사용자 계정 만들기  ALTER USER scott identified BY tiger ACCOUNT UNLOCK; CREATE USER scott IDENTIFIED BY tiger  DEFAULT TA..
How TCP/IP Works: The Backbone of Computer Communication https://youtu.be/CYDG6xr9Q5A
AWS Network Architecture.
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