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씨유박스, 국제항공 One-ID 시장 본격 진출 선언…인천국제공항 '스마트 패스' 오픈 https://www.etnews.com/20230731000097 씨유박스, 국제항공 One-ID 시장 본격 진출 선언…인천국제공항 '스마트 패스' 오픈 인공지능(AI) 영상인식 전문기업 씨유박스(대표 남운성)는 오는 8월 1일부로 조직개편을 단행, 인천국제공항 스마트패스 사업 담당자를 주축으로 해외영업 전담팀을 새롭게 셋팅하고 본격적으로 www.etnews.com
MountKinabalu[Sabah, Malaysia]
We Tried Going From SG To JB Via Grab To See If It’s Really The Best Transport Option https://thesmartlocal.com/read/sg-to-jb-grab-bus/ We Tried Going From SG To JB Via Grab To See If It's Really The Best Transport Option We booked a bus ride from SG to JB through Grab, and gathered all the deets for you if you plan on using the same bus service. thesmartlocal.com
When Is The Best Time To Go To JB? We Break It Down By Car, Bus & KTM To Avoid Jams[From Sg to Malaysia] https://thesmartlocal.com/read/best-time-to-go-jb/ When Is The Best Time To Go To JB? We Break It Down By Car, Bus & KTM To Avoid Jams When is the best time to go to JB from Singapore? We break it down for those looking for a quick getaway across the border. thesmartlocal.com
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