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[ 영어식 사고 훈련 ] 간단한 대화문 3개 → 어때? 어땠어? 재밌었어?




<내가 만든 요리를 상대방에게 먹어보게 한 다음 "어때" 물을 때>

A: Try this. How is it?

B: It's really good. Did you make this?

A: Yeah, I made it.

B: You're a(really) good cook.



<상대방이 어제 영화를 봤다고 했을 때 "어땠어?" / "재밌었어?">

A: Oh, there's a new James Bond movie.

B: Yeah. Actually, I saw that the other day.

A: Oh, how was it? Was it good?

B: It was OK. Nothing too impressive.

    It was pretty much what you would expect from a James Bond movie.


<귀국한 후 2주간 격리에서 며칠 전에 나왔다고 했을 때 "어땟어?">

A: I just got released from quarantine a couple(of) days ago.

B: Oh! What was it like?

A: Well, it wasn't so bad for the first couple of days

    but after that it was like torture.